JUUst Breathe - A Unitarian Universalist Podcast
JUUst Breathe is a Unitarian Universalist podcast exploring whole church and lifespan ministries! Hosts Joy Berry and Ember Kelley interview UUs across the spectrum who hold a vision of liberal religious education that is both life saving and spirit lifting.
Shared Values logo by Tanya Webster (chalice.days.org)
JUUst Breathe - A Unitarian Universalist Podcast
Shannon and Bliss talk to Linnea Granberg, Eric James and Casey Stainsby from Myceliuum Youth Network of Canada.
The MyceliUUm is a large virtual gathering of any UU youth (14-19) and junior youth (12-13) in Canada who would like to attend, as well as their adult supporters (youth advisors, religious educators). These gatherings will occur 3-4 times each year, and last two hours each.
The next MyceliUUm Gathering is coming up on March 26th-register here
Instagram: @yayasofcanada or @cucyob
Music: "Where Do We Come From," by Brian Tate performed by Rev Christopher Lamb